
Signup Or Login With Nos2x From Firefox Mobile

TL;DR: Access Rusty Forms with nos2x-fox extension on Firefox Mobile.


  1. Download and start Firefox on your Android phone
  2. Visit and search for “nos2x-fox”.
  3. Install the extension.

You can access the extention settings like this:

  1. Press the 3 dots in the top right corner
  2. Select “Extensions”
  3. Select “nos2x-fox”

Create a new account

If you haven’t used Rusty Forms before, you can create a new account like this:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Get public key from extention” and press “Submit”
  3. Click “Login with extention”

At this point, you should be logged in.

Access an existing account

If you signed-up for Rusty Forms with the nos2x(-fox) extention, you can access your Rusty Forms from mobile too. Here’s how:

To use the key on your mobile, you need to copy it from your Desktop browser (Firefox nos2x-fox or Chrome nos2x) to your mobile. There’s many ways to do this; Important is, that you don’t share it with any 3rd-party.

Once you copied the key, you can login as usual:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Get public key from extention” and press “Submit”
  3. Click “Login with extention”

At this point, you should be logged in.

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